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JPA July 19, 2023

The Hi/Lo Algorithm in Hibernate: Optimizing Database Identifier Generation

In the world of JVM persistence, Hibernate has a firm place. As one of the most popular frameworks for data persistence, it offers a multitude of possibilities to make developers’ lives easier. One of these possibilities is the Hi/Lo algorithm, a database identifier generation strategy that allows reducing the number of database calls when new entities are persisted. The Challenge of Identifier Generation Before we dive into the Hi/Lo algorithm, let’s briefly look at the challenge of identifier generation in a database.

JPA July 12, 2023

Avoiding Multiple Data Fetches Using the First-Level-Cache in Spring Data JPA

If you’re dealing with backend development on the JVM, you’ll surely come across the Java Persistence API (JPA). A well-known implementation framework for it is Hibernate. In this article, we’ll show you how you can optimize the performance of your application in Spring Data JPA with caching by preventing the same resources from being fetched multiple times. What is the First-Level-Cache? Spring Data JPA uses Hibernate as the default ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), which provides an inbuilt First-Level-Cache.

JPA July 5, 2023

Hibernate ORM: Eager or Lazy Loading? When to Use Each

Hibernate is a well-established Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that is widely used in Java development. This framework helps developers optimize the code for database operations such as fetching data. Choosing the right fetching strategy - Eager Loading or Lazy Loading - is crucial for your application’s performance. In this article, we will examine these two strategies and discuss when and how you should use them in your Spring Data project.

JPA June 28, 2023

How to Define an Index with Spring Data JPA

In this article, we will deal with the definition of indexes in Spring Data JPA and the Hibernate Framework. Our focus is on defining an index for a non-primary key and using the @Index annotation. The proper use of indexes plays a crucial role in optimizing the performance of your database, as they enable faster data queries and overall improve database performance. Defining an Index with the @Index Annotation With JPA and Hibernate, you can define indexes on entities and non-entity tables such as @SecondaryTable, @CollectionTable, and @JoinTable using the @Index annotation.

Performance June 16, 2023

How to Monitor Your Spring Boot Application with Spring Actuator and Micrometer

In the world of application development using Spring Boot, it’s crucial to focus not just on the development aspect but also on performance monitoring. In this extensive guide, we’ll explore the steps to set up monitoring for your Spring Boot application using Spring Actuator and Micrometer, and how to employ Prometheus and Grafana for effective metrics handling and visualization. Understanding Spring Boot Monitoring Monitoring forms an essential part of ensuring the health of an application.
