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Newsletter May 3, 2024

GitOps, SRE, DevOps - A Look Back and into the Future

Hi, Ten years ago, most companies were still dealing with manually managed infrastructures. Today, many medium-sized businesses still find themselves in the same situation. But that comes at a cost - and I’m feeling it right now. The Ghosts of Differences It’s astonishing how often we chase ghosts simply because our environments differ. This ranges from obvious things like available CPU or RAM to subtler issues like different kernel versions or configuration disparities in applications.

Newsletter April 24, 2024

Scrum Is Not Agile

Hi, In one of my client projects, we reflect on our working methods. Like most mid-sized projects out there, Scrum is used here too. But we have a few problems: - Sprint goals are never met - Not a sprint goes by without a new task coming in from the side - Estimations are regularly far from reality - Collaboration with other external parties is partially not integrated - … I can certainly think of more examples

Architecture April 15, 2024

SMEs, Steer Clear of Microservices!

For more than a decade, hardly a conference goes by without the topic of microservices. Industry magazines publish numerous articles on the subject, and external consulting firms sell workshops, actively advise on switching to a microservice architecture, and tout its benefits. For many small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), this sounds attractive—what helps the big players so much can’t hurt the smaller ones, right? This is a dangerous misconception. This article was first published in German as a premium article on Golem.

Newsletter March 29, 2024

Daily Practice

Hi, Have you ever tried closing vim? You probably know the meme. Even after decades, I still find it funny 😁 But what I haven’t managed to do in all these years is to seriously learn how to use vim. Sure, I press i to enter insert mode and then I can type. And I’ve also learned dd to delete a line. And yes, of course, I was one of the three million viewers who were helped by Stack Overflow to close vim 😉

Architecture March 22, 2024

The Cost of Accidental Complexity in Development

In the beginning, IT teams often implement new features quickly, but over time, development tends to slow down. Accidental Complexity is a frequent culprit – this article explains its origins and how it can be mitigated. This article was originally published in German as a premium article on Golem.de in June 2023. It’s no secret that systems grow more complex over time, leading to longer development cycles. This is inevitable when dealing with inherently complex problems, known as Essential Complexity.
