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Newsletter August 24, 2023

What Sound Does Your Microwave?

Hi, Do you know the feeling? You turn on a device that you use over and over again. For years. You recognize the sound it makes. The rhythmic “whoosh whoosh whoosh”, when you start the dishwasher. Or the familiar “click” when the oven turns on. Your signal: everything’s working. Carry on! But what if it suddenly sounds different? It no longer meets your expectations? That’s exactly what happened to me with my microwave.

Spring August 23, 2023

Spring MVC: How to Use a Custom Converter for Type Safety in Controllers

Are your controllers constantly filled with primitives? In ArticleController, the first line of every method is: articleRepository.findById(articleId). We keep making the same conversions. I hardly observe as many primitives in any other layer as in the API layer. This leads to much boilerplate. The code becomes harder to test. And it’s harder to read. Yet we know how much easier it is when we work with type safety. In this article, I will show you how to use the Converter Interface to automatically convert your primitives into the correct type.

Newsletter August 21, 2023

The Fifth Ideal: Customer Focus

Hi, “The VPN should not be operated by you [Sysadmins].” After this sentence, I saw startled faces. It slipped out of me. During the weekly Jour Fixe between the developers and admins. It came to the question of what our priorities are. It hit a nerve. Probably not because the participants are emotionally attached to the VPN. Probably not because the statement is wrong. No - it’s more likely because it’s so unconventional for the team.

Newsletter August 17, 2023

State Is the Root of All Evil

Hi, What distinguishes an application from a (mathematical) function? A function takes an input x and transforms it into an output. If f(x) = 2 * x, then the result of this function for the input of any x is always the same. There are no side effects. We call this behavior stateless. But what does this have to do with the question from the beginning? An application goes beyond this.

Spring August 16, 2023

Avoiding Static Access to SecurityContext with @AuthenticationPrincipal in Spring

In almost every web application, logic related to the user must be executed. To access this, his data is assigned based on his authentication. With Spring Security, the authentication framework in the Spring stack, we have various ways to accomplish this essential task. Static Access and its Drawbacks In many applications and examples, it is common to statically retrieve the SecurityContext in Spring to access the current UserDetails. However, this has some disadvantages:
