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Newsletter September 7, 2023

Super Boring Topic

Hi, Yesterday, I published an article about the Assert class from Spring . And in May, at the Developer Meetup in Essen , I also talked about the class. But actually, it’s super boring. For those who don’t know: It offers a series of simple “assert” methods. For example, instead of if (someVariable == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("someVariable must not be null"); } we can write: Assert.isNotNull(someVariable, "someVariable must not be null"); Incredible.

Spring September 6, 2023

Spring's Assert Class: The Smart Way to Validate

There are many ways to ensure your code does what it’s supposed to do. Java even has a built-in assert language feature for this very purpose. And then there’s Spring’s Assert class. But why should I use this? In this article, we delve deeply into the subject and explore the advantages of using this class for validating your data and arguments. Why Use Assertions at All? Before diving into the details of the Spring Assert class, let’s briefly clarify the significance of assertions.

Newsletter September 4, 2023

Outch 😵

Hi, Change hurts. The sentence is somewhat jaded. But it became clear to me again a few weeks ago. Toni, an external DevOps Engineer (shoutout to you 😉), was new to the team. On his website he writes, “As an expert in Developer Experience, my goal is to create an ecosystem for high-performance & innovatively-acting development teams.” And he lives it. There is also more than enough to do. And we want to tackle it!

Newsletter August 31, 2023

The Microwave With Feature Creep

Hi, My microwave was broken. So: I need a new one. However, I have a little quirk when it comes to buying anything that’s not perishable. I want to avoid making a bad purchase. I’d rather spend more money once than have to buy a new one in two years. Here, I have to be careful not to fall down a rabbit hole. I can spend hours reading reviews. But what do I even want to compare?

Spring August 30, 2023

Open Session in View (OSIV) in Spring - Enable or Disable?

If you are working with Spring Boot and Hibernate, you have undoubtedly come across the term “Open Session in View” (OSIV) or its corresponding property open-in-view. But what exactly does this option do, and how does it affect your interaction with the database? Should you enable or disable it? In this article, we delve deep into the topic and shed light on its functionality and differences compared to other approaches.
