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Other April 26, 2019

Transparent Gradient Effect on Background Image

I built a new neat feature on my blog posts detail page that displays check constraints in the constructor instead of bean validation as a background image in the top of the rendered page. The trick to get the transparent fading effect via css is using a linear-gradient on top of the actual image. It’s important to state that the linear-gradient effect is applied to the whole size of the block.

Other April 23, 2019

Build With Jekylls' Docker Image and Gitlab CI

Since I don’t want to install and manage a compatible version of Ruby for my Jekyll version and all dependencies of my website I decided to use Jekylls’ Docker image to develop this page. For my build pipeline in Gitlab CI I wanted to make use of these already existing definitions. I created a simple docker-compose.yml file that loads my source files as a volume, like explained in the documentation of Jekyll’s Docker Image :

Other April 21, 2019

Reference Jekyll Post Image With Assets Plugin

For every blog post I specify an image that is shown on the front page. I also use the jekyll-feed plugin to generate an rss feed. This plugin uses the front matter information to generate the necessary meta-data. So the image front matter data is used to fill the <media:thumbnail> tag in the feed. But the jekyll-assets plugin don’t need fully qualified paths to the assets but just its name. So I needed to find a solution for this.

Unity April 19, 2019

Randomly Failing Playmode Tests in Unity

For the last year my current project developed several playmode tests in Unity. These tests get executed by our Jenkins as part of our continues integration strategy. But since we started using them we experienced strange randomly failing tests because they reached their timeout. Today we finally found the issue! Until now (version 2018.2), Unity (on MacOS? We don’t build on Windows machines) slows down when no output device is detected and the user is not logged in.

Other April 16, 2019

Welcome to my Blog

Previously I only used to have a simple portfolio website at this place. But in my day-to-day work I figured that I actually get in touch with a lot of awesome technology and daily I discover something interesting that is worth writing about to help others in the same situation. This is what this blog will be about. I’ll share my knowledge, give hints on problems related to programming and operating a modern software and tell my opinion on programming styles and recent debates.
