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Newsletter November 9, 2023


Hi, Nervousness sliced through the room. I saw it in the eyes of all attendees. It was supposed to be just a routine meeting. Once a week, the development team meets with the admins to discuss current topics. This meeting has been held for years. Same time, same people, (almost) the same topics. But something was different this time. A new colleague participated for the first time. An external. We brought him in to work on “DevOps”.

Newsletter November 6, 2023

Kids Treasure Hunt

Hi, For a treasure hunt for a 5-year-old, I want to write a text. The text should be written by a pirate, describing a riddle where the pirate’s treasure is hidden. It should be hidden in a place where creepy trees are. Can you write the text for me and make it rhyme? With this prompt, I fed ChatGPT. I had just returned from Berlin from the RabbitMQ Summit .

Newsletter October 31, 2023

Is Scrum Democratic?

Hi, Is Scrum democratic? This question keeps coming up. Time and time again, I find myself in teams where this question becomes the focal point. The keyword that often comes up is “self-organized team.” How much autonomy does a self-organized team have? Undoubtedly: The team organizes its work on its own. The Product Owner decides which tasks are to be tackled and in which order. And he is a part of the team.

Newsletter October 26, 2023

Redundant Information

Hi, “After importing, we unpack the file and read the meta-information.” “And where do we write it?” “This information is stored in different databases. The path information is distributed across all service databases so that they know how to access the files. Other data is stored in the system database and in each tenant database.” Does that sound normal to you? It shouldn’t. What we are experiencing here is information duplication.

Newsletter October 23, 2023

Broken Windows

Hi, A week ago, during my talk on “Pragmatic Programming with Kotlin” , I discussed the Broken Window Theory. Originally, it’s from criminology. In criminology, the broken windows theory states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior, and civil disorder […] encourage further crime and disorder […]. ~ Wikipedia Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt have applied this concept to software development. Whenever there’s poor design, an unclear class, inadequately tested code, or unused assets in the repository, it becomes more likely that more “broken windows” will follow.
