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Newsletter December 14, 2023

Quickdraw Hero

Hi, In the team of one of my clients, I earned the nickname “Quickdraw Hero” (My surname “Held” translates to hero in english 😉*)* Because I shoot so fast. I gained this reputation from the team rather quickly. At that time, it was meant somewhat derogatorily. The team was not accustomed to my pace. They had gotten comfortable. The software has been in development for more than 10 years. And over time, substantial technical debt had accumulated.

Newsletter December 11, 2023

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

Hi, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” I heard this proverb early on, probably for the first time during my school days. It’s a wisdom that we have carried forward for a long time. Perhaps you associate this proverb more with areas like marketing, statistics, politics, or you think, like me, of the wisdoms of our teachers back then. Something I’ve realized repeatedly in recent years is: It’s also relevant for us in software development.

Newsletter December 7, 2023

Another Microservice Desaster

Hi, Microservice Architecture This buzzword has become a trigger for me. I have written about it often. Earlier this year, my article Microservices are a Big Ball of Mud trended on Hacker News The 343 comments on my article clearly show how heated this topic can be 😉 Of course, the rational view on it is different from what I presented in that article. It ALWAYS depends on the context. AppContinuum is an excellent paper offering a reflective view on the subject.

Newsletter December 5, 2023

A "Unit" In A Test Is Not The Class Under Test

Hi, What is actually a “Unit” in a Unit Test? Dumb question, you might say. But it’s an interesting one. For many years, like most people who talk about this topic, I believed: A unit is a class that I want to test. And maybe you saw it that way too. And you certainly had a few problems with it. For example, the symptoms of resulting Coupling What happens when we write a UserServiceTest class?

Newsletter December 1, 2023

Legacy Is Sexy

Hi, Unpopular Opinion Warning: Legacy is Sexy! To be honest - I didn’t always see it that way. You probably felt similar. My first (big) professional project was a legacy application It wasn’t actually that old. If I remember correctly, it wasn’t even a decade old. But it felt much older. This was mainly due to the many inexperienced developers who worked on the application. I was green behind the ears as well.
