Scrum Is Not Agile

Marcus HeldHi,
In one of my client projects, we reflect on our working methods.
Like most mid-sized projects out there, Scrum is used here too. But we have a few problems: - Sprint goals are never met - Not a sprint goes by without a new task coming in from the side - Estimations are regularly far from reality - Collaboration with other external parties is partially not integrated - … I can certainly think of more examples
And this regularly causes friction. The team wants to do Scrum. But it also doesn’t really work out. And of course, we haven’t known this just recently. For months, no - years, every retrospective talks about the weaknesses in the Scrum process. Yet the most frequent action item: Next time we’ll do better!
But that’s not going to happen. It’s unrealistic.
And I’ve not experienced this phenomenon for the first time. You probably know it too.
The problem is Scrum
I mean less that the framework is bad. I also don’t mean that the framework has inherent weaknesses. I mean that our problem is that we are using a framework.
The first value in the Manifesto for Agile Software Developers states:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
[…] over […] is the key word here. Individuals and the interactions between them are more important than processes!
In reality, however, we focus on the process. In today’s world, we try to squeeze individuals into processes. It should be the other way around.
At Agile Australia 2018, Martin Fowler said :
[…] different teams have different kinds of situations, we have different legacy environments to coordinate with, we have dynamics between the individuals on the team. With so many differences, how can we say there’s one way that works for everybody. We can’t. […]
Scrum as an idea contradicts the basic principle of agile software development. There’s nothing wrong with orienting oneself initially. You have to start somewhere. It’s a good start. Many people know immediately how to get going. That gives orientation.
But it makes no sense to dogmatically stick to it.
It’s okay to adapt the process as it suits oneself and one’s own team. No - it’s agile to adapt the process.
Rule the Backend,
~ Marcus