Is Anyone Actually Reading This?

Marcus HeldHi,
Is anyone actually reading the newsletter? Well, you’re doing it right now ;-)
I started my blog in 2019. Back then under the name It was not my intention at all to provide valuable, SEO optimized content that helps random visitors to the site. No. It was there for two things. On one hand as a reference for future job applications - I knew I would soon be moving back to my hometown and would need a new job. And on the other hand as a “hack”, to avoid repeating the same argument in PRs. Write it down once, then always link it and “win” 90% of the discussions (if you want to call it that).
In the end, the blog became more. Some articles were found and linked regularly. My emotional microservice blog even got a feature on Hackernews.
Yes - people are interested in what you write. New input is always interesting. No matter how small. , don’t ask yourself whether you should publish your opinion. We digital natives can filter within milliseconds. Content that is not interesting to us is ignored. And nobody is angry with you for that. Those who are interested will thank you for your input!
In this sense,
Rule the Backend,
~ Marcus