Editor Fluency

Marcus HeldHi,
Today, I gave a presentation titled “Pragmatic Programming with Kotlin” at KKON.
It was once again a great pleasure. And because the RabbitMQ Summit is coming up this Friday, followed by the W-JAX in two weeks, I really didn’t feel like creating more slides.
So, I opted for live coding.
That way, I’m certainly faster in preparation (tm).
But aside from my laziness, there was another reason why I chose to do this.
Tip 27: Achieve Editor Fluency
Andrew Hunt and David Thomas write in “The Pragmatic Programmer”:
over the course of a year, you might actually gain an additional week if you make your editing just 4% more
But that’s not the biggest advantage.
What you truly gain is more mental capacity.
When you no longer have to think about how to execute various functions in your IDE, you can use that capacity for the actual work on your algorithm.
You can think about what to implement and less about *how.*
And that’s what I wanted to demonstrate.
It feels different when you no longer have to think. When you have automations to run your tests, or to jump to the last file, or to extract a constant from your code.
And: it’s more enjoyable.
That’s why I chose to live code.
Even though the Demo Gods are often hard to convince.
Today went well. Everything went as expected.
And I hope I was able to inspire a few viewers.
Dive into your craft. And use Deliberate Practice to improve yourself.
Rule the Backend,
~ Marcus