Deliberate Practice

Marcus HeldHi,
Currently, I am practicing calligraphy. My handwriting has always been purely “functional.” Every day, I write out all the letters of the alphabet, focusing on the quality of each stroke.
Five years ago, I practiced touch-typing. Every day for 10 minutes on .
Seven years ago, I banished my mouse within the IDE. I had to learn how to operate everything using the keyboard alone.
And ten years ago, I focused on the Shell. I performed all operations on my system there.
Practice Makes Perfect
Once I master these skills, I will benefit from them for the rest of my life. I will become a little more efficient every day.
I will save time and deliver better results. And all that comes from the small investment of initially being slower. It requires only a bit of discipline.
And This Is How I Practice Coding
I don’t just read books. I experiment with things. I consciously take the time to learn.
When you learn Judo, you go to training every week for an hour. You find a partner.
The trainer shows you new exercises.
And you constantly repeat them.
Until your body can perform them without thinking.
Practice Makes The Master
We improve through practice. But in contrast, we don’t practice coding deliberately. We read books and attend conferences. And then we think we are the best.
This is like reading a book about Judo throws and then wanting to take the exam.
It won’t work.
That’s not how you become an expert. We need practice.
That’s Why I Hosted a Coding Dojo Last Week
It quickly became clear that developers will benefit from regular training. And you should implement this too.
Coding must be practiced. There must be room for improvement and for receiving feedback.
The time is well-invested. It will pay off in no time.
Rule the Backend,
~ Marcus