ChatGPT Killed my Blog

Marcus HeldHi,
My work methods have changed more in the past year than ever before.
A year ago, OpenAI released ChatGPT.
At the time, I thought the technology was cool, but I didn’t realize how much it would impact my work. And that in less than 12 months.
Today, I use AI for so many things:
- I no longer Google questions; I ask ChatGPT
- GitHub Copilot writes code before I even know what I want to write
- My content (including this one) is proofread by ChatGPT
- I have stock images generated by Midjourney
- My recent presentations were created with ChatGPT
- Even the pirate puzzle for the children’s birthday party is generated by ChatGPT
And this list is far from complete.
I’m not alone in this experience.
The progress feels extreme.
And we see the impact. Far fewer questions are being asked on StackOverflow .
Due to this development, I no longer write blogs
I actually started again in the middle of the year. I wanted to write a new article every week. With a different focus than before. They were to be SEO optimized articles. I wanted to draw attention to the site.
But there hasn’t been a new article for 2 months.
I was also busy with presentations at KKON, RabbitMqSummit, and W-JAX, but there is another reason:
SEO optimized content will no longer be worth it
For SEO optimized content, simple articles work best. Articles for problems and topics that affect many developers. Things that are easy to Google. “Eager or Lazy Loading? When to use which , “How to define an index with Spring Data JPA ” or “Spring Events: Decouple your application with @EventListener and ApplicationEvents ”.
And there are already heaps of articles on these topics.
ChatGPT knows them too - and can answer much faster.
I no longer Google such questions.
And others will do so less and less. Gradually, everyone tries out ChatGPT.
Writing a blog takes a lot of time. And I believe that this effort will not pay off.
It’s like investing in a falling stock
It doesn’t make sense.
Therefore, I prioritize ruthlessly: I will no longer write a blog. At least not in this form.
What I’ll do with the blog? I don’t know yet.
How has your work method changed since the ChatGPT boom? What tools have you been using since this year?
Rule the Backend,
~ Marcus