
Letzte Beiträge

Clean Code 14. Mai 2020

Avoid Inconsistent Builder With Lomboks @Builder

In a project I worked on I saw that nearly every entity and value object was created with Lomboks @Builder . Their reason is that it makes it easier to construct these objects - especially for tests. But it comes with a cost. The problems that these builders create can’t be detected by the compiler and are especially dangerous in every CI environment. Let’s look at an example. This is our object that uses the builder for construction:

Clean Code 6. März 2020

Best Practices For Unit Tests

The best practices I share in this post are ones I followed for many years. However, today I take a more critical view on them. Especially the heavy use of mocking and the definition of a “unit” as the class under test can lead to unnecessary coupling. You can find my updated thoughts on this topic in my newsletter: “A ‘Unit’ In A Test Is Not The Class Under Test” .

JPA 28. Januar 2020

Additional auditing with Spring Data JPA and Hibernate

Spring Data provides an easy way of keeping track who creates and modifies a persistent entity as well as when the action happened by annotating properties with @CreatedBy, @CreatedDate, @LastModifiedBy and @LastModifiedDate. The properties are automatically provided by an implementation of the AuditAware and DateTimeProvider interface. Beside this common auditing information in my current projects some entities require storing auditing-information about crucial state-changes like soft-deletion. Previously we had to fill the properties ourself:

Continuous Integration 22. Januar 2020

How To Load A Shared Library From A Subfolder In Jenkins

I work with Jenkins Pipeline for three years now and one pain point is proper isolation of shared functionality between pipelines but even steps. In our repository we defined multiple pipelines and some are that large that we share functionality within it. Jenkins offers the possibility to create shared libraries for that purpose. But unfortunately it’s not possible to load it from the same repository. Since many of the changes in the pipeline are related to a change of the shared library it was tedious to match the branches and versions to be backward compatible.

Clean Code 20. November 2019

Boost Your Development With Proper API Design

In this post we’ll go through an example application and see which methods and principles we can apply to build a robust application that is easy to maintain, extend, understand and use. In general, this is a subject with a much larger scope than a simple blog post can provide, so the content is neither complete nor exhaustive, but a selection of topics that I visited recently. We use an arbitrary business case where we can buy and sell resources on a market.
