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Continuous Integration 22. Januar 2020

How To Load A Shared Library From A Subfolder In Jenkins

I work with Jenkins Pipeline for three years now and one pain point is proper isolation of shared functionality between pipelines but even steps. In our repository we defined multiple pipelines and some are that large that we share functionality within it. Jenkins offers the possibility to create shared libraries for that purpose. But unfortunately it’s not possible to load it from the same repository. Since many of the changes in the pipeline are related to a change of the shared library it was tedious to match the branches and versions to be backward compatible.

Continuous Integration 26. September 2019

How I (also) use JMeter for Integration Tests

In my current project I focus on the development of a highly available, scalable system that can handle millions of players worldwide. In order to test and ensure that this is actually the case we need to do regular performance and integration tests. While - for a long time - I explicitly separated both, I choose a new direction in this project by writing the JMeter performance test in a way that it can be used as an integration test as well.

Continuous Integration 1. August 2019

Parallel Integration Tests With Random Ports On Jenkins

A common problem when doing end-to-end tests is colliding ports on you buildmachine with parallel execution. With the technology stack of Docker, Jenkins and Gradle I’ll demonstrate one solution I use in my current project to start the backend with a random port and use it in the test execution afterwards. Our situation is the following: You want to execute a test which starts your backend application and fires against it from the outside.

Jenkins Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin's Webhook Is Not Working

In my current project we use Bitbucket Server as our Git backend and Jenkins with a pipeline multibranch project to build our project. For better integration of both technologies we decided to use the Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin . This enables us to trigger automated builds and maintain dynamic jobs on our Jenkins. But installing the necessary webhooks turned out to not be a trivial task. The goals I want to achieve are the following:

Jenkins Declarative Pipeline throws Method Code Too Large Exception

I use the declarative Jenkins pipeline in my current project, but after 2 years of development we hit a barrier I wasn’t aware of. Jenkins puts the whole declarative pipeline into a single method and at a certain size the JVM fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: Method code too large!. Digging deeper it turns out that no method is allowed to exceed 64k . So I needed to find a solution for this problem.
